Records audio until you tap it to stop, then encodes it into a text-based format, then copies it to your clipboard (to be decoded and played back later).
Records normal-quality audio on tap, lets you trim the result, and saves it to a folder of your choice.
Records audio at Very High quality, starting and stopping on tap – then, saves to a folder of your choosing.
Records audio using the phone’s mics, then saves the file and asks you if you want to share it.
Records normal-quality audio—starting and stopping on tap—then adds to a folder; if no folder exists, creates one.
Records high quality audio immediately for 1 minute and saves it to a folder of your choice.
Shares the link to your Apple Music profile found in the Music app.
Opens a specific book from your library, prompting you to pick which book.
Opens to the Feeds tab of Bluesky, showing My Feeds and the Discover New Feeds section.
Opens the Amazon app so you can find Today’s Deals in the For You, Lightning, and Can’t Miss offers categories.
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