Records audio at Very High quality, starting and stopping on tap – then, saves to a folder of your choosing.
Records normal-quality audio—starting and stopping on tap—then adds to a folder; if no folder exists, creates one.
Gets a folder of audio files, lets you choose one, and encodes the result to base64 (to be placed into another shortcut and decoded to play the sound).
Gets an audio file encoded as text, decodes the value, and plays the sound at 35%. Pairs well with “Encode audio.”
Records audio until you tap it to stop, then encodes it into a text-based format, then copies it to your clipboard (to be decoded and played back later).
Grabs your audio folder, lets you pick a file, and plays the sound at 35% volume.
Switches to your default Wallpaper, untied from any Focus mode.
Asks you to enter a destination and the number of people, then requests a ride using your app of choice.
Opens the Home feed on Bluesky so you can see your Discover and Following feeds, plus any pinned Lists.
Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings on iOS or the Universal Access preference pane on macOS.
Finds the H1 header, removes that first line and one after it, and gets just the body of the text.
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