Filter Files
Given a list of files, this action returns the files that match the given criteria. Allows for sorting, changing the order, and limiting the number passed as a result.
Exports the most recent mind map as a List in Reminders.
Takes any text you’ve copied and pasts it into a new Quick Entry for a mind map in MindNode.
Opens the Quick Entry feature in MindNode to a blank page, which lets me start building a nested outline that can be saved as a mind map.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press the Command + or keyboard command that adds a session to your bookmarks (or removes it).
Opens into your Health Records to Procedures section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Switches the Voice Control so you can issue commands to your device, giving you hands-free control of your devices.
Works great for Accessibility purposes, as well as simply using a device when you can’t reach it – I use this on my iPad Pro when it’s on the stand I have on my desk.
If you don’t want the Grab YouTube playlist ID shortcut installed, delete the Run Shortcut action above and the URL action below.
However, the shortcut won’t work with links from videos inside playlists anymore.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 2 to open to the Bookmarks page, where you can see sessions you’ve saved for later.
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