Prompts you to pick a Focus that stays on until you leave the current location.
Presents a menu of various time periods for setting Do Not Disturb, then adjusts your device according to the choice – includes a few colloquial phrases like “a bit” and “a while” that can be customized to your preferences, plus options for turning it on until lunch or after work.
Asks you to pick a time, then a Focus, then turns it on until that time.
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
Opens the deep link into Settings for Accessibility and Siri, including controls for Type to Siri, Siri Pause Time, Speaking Rate, Spoken Responses, whether to Always Listen for “Hey Siri,” whether to Show Apps Behind Siri, whether to Announce Notifications on Speaker, and Call Hang Up with Siri during phone and FaceTime calls.
Opens Twitch on the Apple TV, or opens the website in fullscreen if run from Mac.
Opens the Spectre app made by the folks from Halide to take a long exposure photo.
Opens the Amazon preview page for Comixology Unlimited so you can read about the experience, see what’s available in the collection, and manage your account.
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