Notes shortcuts

Shortcuts for managing the Notes app experience across Apple devices.

Use these shortcuts to quickly take notes, open recent notes, or append to the same note regularly.

These also work well with Apple Watch (which doesn’t have a native Notes app).

Notes is Apple’s default writing tool, going from a stitch-bound simulcrum of a real notebook into a powerful tag-based digital archiving tool.

While the Notes actions aren’t updated for iOS 15 yet, the native actions allow for quick access, repeatabilty, and sharing functions way beyond what the app’s features provide – hopefully Tags get added as well soon and Shortcuts users can go wild.

Add to wishlist

Asks you to enter a name on import, then looks for a note with the name and “wishlist” and creates one if not found – then, adds any links from the Share sheet or asks you to enter in a new item, then appends it to the list automatically.

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Open by folder group

Uses the Choose From menu action to present top-level categories for Notes folders, then includes multiple other menus for each category and opens into the chosen Folder.

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Open video notes

Presents a menu of the main folder and various subfolders for my Video notes in the Notes open, then opens into the chosen folder using Show Notes Folder.

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Open Apple News Spotlight

Opens into the special News+ Spotlight section of the News app curated by Apple editors, including sections like Conversation Starters, Better Living, Weekend Reads, Good News, and Best of News+.

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