Repeats the contained actions, running them the specified number of times.
Rethink things in terms of the 52 week in the year.
Takes two dates chosen as input and calculates the duration in seconds between thme – works as a Unix timestamp converter.
Presents you with a list of common and custom date or time formats, then copies the choice you make.
Asks you to pick two time zones, then calculates the offset compared to each other.
Asks you to pick a time zone, then formats the date to show the offset value (such as +0800).
Asks you to enter a date, then generates the calendar week plus start or end dates.
Opens the AirBnb help portal for guests where see guides for getting started, and to get help with your reservations, account, and more.
Scrapes a Threads post, then formats the excerpt and links in the notes as well as the URL in a new reminder.
Uses the Elgato Control Center app to turn the Key Light that I have facing the ceiling off.
Opens the Account page of the App Store app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Runs AppleScript that opens the ChatGPT app and activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + , (which opens the Settings page for the app
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