Log out
Uses AppleScript to press the keyboard shortcut ⌥+⇧+⌘+Q to immediately log out the current user.
Uses AppleScript to press ⌘+⌃+Q to Lock the screen.
Uses AppleScript to press the keyboard shortcut ⌥+⇧+⌘+Q to immediately log out the current user.
Simulates the key code for F3, activating Mission Control on the Mac.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Uses an AppleScript command to directly activate Control Center on the Mac.
Takes PNGs from input, resizes them to 2048px wide, appends a number for each image found, and asks you where to save it in Files.
Plays my Apple Podcasts station for media discussions and entertainment shows.
Uses the Elgato Control Center app to turn the Key Light that I have facing the ceiling off.
Asks you to choose a speaker, then changes the current playback destination there and starts Podcasts.
Asks you to pick from tasks assigned to Today and opens any URLs in the Notes.
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