Opens into the Display and Text Size section of Accessibility settings and lets you customize features like Bold Text, Larger Text, Button Shapes, On or Off Labels, Reduce Transparency, Increase Contract, Differentiate Without Color, Prefer Horizontal Text, Smart Invert, Classic Invert, Color Filters, Reduce White Point, and Auto-Brightness.
Opens the deep link to the Personal Voice feature available in Accessibility settings on iOS, where you can create a Personal Voice, decide whether to Share Across Devices, and Allow Apps to Request to Use.
Opens into the Motion section of Accessibility sesttings to let you control features like Reduce Motion, Auto-Play Message Effects, Auto-Play Animated Images, Dim Flashing Lights, Auto-Play Video Previews, and Limit Frame Rate.
Opens the Sound Recognition section of Accessibility settings and lets you toggle the feature on or off, see how much storage is used, and choose which sounds to recognize.
Opens into Settings > Accessibility > Zoom to let you toggle the feature on or off to magnify the entire screen with a double tap, three-finger drag, and double tap three fingers, as well as features like Follow Focus, Smart Typing, Keyboard Shortcuts, Zoom Controller, Zoom Region, Zoom Filter, Show while Mirroring, and Maximum Zoom Level.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Side Button where you can adjut the Click Speed, Press and Hold to Speak, and Side Button Confirmation for Switch Control and AssistiveTouch.
Opens Fandango to the section with movies available to go see now in theaters.
Opens Kindle Unlimited to let you manage your digital content, to deliver, remove, or return your book.
Presents your presentations in Keynote, asks you to pick one, and opens it in Rehearsal Mode.
Gets the sunrise time from tomorrow’s forecast and sets the alarm 8.5 hours before.
For a given YouTube video passed in as input, this isolates the URL parameter after “list=“ that represents a video playlist ID.
Sheila Rubin is a quietly tormented housewife in ’80s San Diego. Behind closed doors, she battles extreme personal demons and a vicious inner voice. But things change when she discovers aerobics, sparking a journey toward empowerment and success.
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