Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Presents the option to choose from "Work" or "Personal" groups, then from the set of lists, then opens the chosen list in Reminders. Works great in the Shortcuts widget.
Lets you pick a reminder from a specific list and see what time of day you created it.
Presents a prompt for your query, then searches for the results in Reminders.
Looks for incomplete reminders that contain URLs, then lets you pick from the list and open the links in Safari.
Uses Siri to speak back the most recently-added reminder in the Reminders app.
Takes the default embed code for multiple podcast episodes, inserts your podcast string, and copies the result to your clipboard to be pasted somewhere online.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, then opens the link, waits for it to load, takes a screenshot, extracts text from the screenshot, then prompts you to delete the extra text before replacing the excerpt in the Thread JSON dictionary.
Opens a custom “Groceries” smart list in the Reminders app where you can add food items and have them automatically sorted into sections by aisle.
Asks you to select multiple contacts, then starts a Check In with the group.
Starts an outdoor walk, turns on Low Power Mode, and logs the UV index.
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