Opens the editor page in Apple Music for Soulection radio, a laid-back show that airs on Sunday nights.
Opens the Apple Music Hits radio station that plays top tracks from the service (as opposed to the main Apple Music 1 channel).
Presents a list of Jazz radio stations on Apple Music, then opens the link to immediately start playing the station.
Opens the deep link into Apple Music TV, immediately starting the currently-playing music videos.
Plays the personalized radio station curated for you by Apple Music.
Kick off some energetic tracks from your Get Up Mix in Apple Music, with new tracks added every Tuesday.
Presents a list of Apple Music 1 radio shows and opens the corresponding URL to their curator page.
Opens into the Touch section of Accessibility settings to let you control features like AssistiveTouch, Reachability, Haptic Touch, Touch Accommodations, Tap or Swipe to Wake, Shake to Undo, Prevent Lock to End Call, Call Audio Routing, and Back Tap control
Opens the daily deals section of Amazon where you can see items that are discounted for today only.
Presents a menu of Instapaper folders, then opens the corresponding web link to each folder.
Dials the number for 1-800-APL-CARE, the phone number for getting assistance with products for which you’ve purchased AppleCare.
Opens into the Apple Health app to display any Toothbrushing data that’s been tracked automatically or entered manually.
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