Looks for contacts added to a “Friends” group and asks you to pick one before calling them.
Opens the deep link to the Favorites tab in the Phone app (mobilephone-favorites//).
Presents your list of contacts, then calls the person you select. If they have multiple numbers, asks you which one to dial.
Opens the deep link into the Voicemail section of the Phone app (vmshow://).
Gets the first phone number from your preselected contact card, copies it to the clipboard, and shows it to you in a dialog. Use to quickly show to or share with someone else.
Opens the deep link to the phone app, then sets playback to AirPods and turns on Noise Cancellation.
Looks for contacts from a given company name (added on input), then asks you to choose which contact and calls them.
Returns to the Home Screen, then waits just under 1 or 2 second to take a screenshot (so it shows the dots for widgets), then saves it to a pre-created Home Screen album in Photos.
Takes a screenshot of your issue and saves it to Files, to be added into a Feedback report.
Starts a cooldown workout, plus sets AirPods Pro to Noise Cancellation.
Opens into the special News+ Spotlight section of the News app curated by Apple editors, including sections like Conversation Starters, Better Living, Weekend Reads, Good News, and Best of News+.
Sets the playback destination to the current device, turns off Do Not Disturb and Airplane Mode, turns on Cellular Data, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, sets the volume to 85%, the brightness to 100%, and turns on Light mode, then turns on every option for Sound Recognition, then vibrates if run from iPhone when it’s all done.
Opens the Milage Log of QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can track how many miles you’ve travelled as business expenses.
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