Play Sound
Plays the audio file passed as input, or a default notification sound if no audio file was passed.
Gets base64-encoded text for the Apple Pay ping sound, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Plays a sound file of your choice. Use this as a confirmation sound for your NFC tags.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the iPhone boot chime, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Gets the sound library from macOS, picks a random file, and plays it out loud.
Takes encoded audio and decodes it into a sound, then plays it. Uses embedded audio or newly-encoded audio copied to the clipboard.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the Charlie Brown sad walking music, decodes it, and plays it out loud.
Takes you into the Sounds settings, located in Settings > Sounds and Haptics on iOS and System Settings > Sounds on macOS.
Opens the Share Sheet folder in Shortcuts so you can add, remove, or sort included shortcuts.
Prompts you to add a start time and end time, then what you worked on, then pick a project – once you’re done, Timery logs the entry in Toggl.
Turns your HomeKit Christmas lights on/off depending on the current state.
Opens the Camera to take a photo, then adds it to your Parked Car location.
Takes the current episode from Overcast, finds the show in Podcasts, and opens the last episode.
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