Asks you to pick a podcast, then starts an Outdoor Walk workout on the Apple Watch.
Find a podcast by title, host, or link and subscribe to it immediately.
Searches Podcasts for a show, then copies the Feed URL so you can subscribe in another app.
Opens the Discord app to the Relay.FM community, then Relay.FM or live where I can start a live show.
Looks for snow in the daily forecast for the next 10 days.
Extracts 10 stories from the RSS feed of Apple Developer news and lets you pick which one to open in a Safari web view to read quickly.
Asks for a query, finds notes, presents a list of options, and opens the chosen note.
Uses the Elgato Control Center app to activate the Key Light that’s on the left side of my desk, facing upwards towards the ceiling to cast light off the white wall.
Asks you to enter a date, then generates the calendar week plus start or end dates.
Pings your iPhone using your Apple Watch, including an optional lights on or off.
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