Prompts you for a reminder about a type of food you have and when it expires.
Prompts you to pick a Reminders list, then lets you type in new tasks all at once and inserts them one-by-one.
Sets a reminder 7 hours from now letting me know once my rechargable batteries are finished.
Prompts you to pick reminders, then a contact, then assigns those reminder to show up when you’re messaging that person.
Sets a reminder 40 minutes from now that alerts you that the washing machine is done.
Prompts you to enter a new reminder and adds it under Flagged reminders.
Uses the Dictate Text action set to stop listening “After Pause” and then saves my text into the To Do list created in Reminders (or your default list).
Pulls from a note of favorite albums in Notes and plays the full set right away.
Copies the current date and time in a good format for pre-pending to filenames to ensure the list is always ordered well when sorted alphabetically.
Takes a base64-encoded image of your favorite background and decodes it before passing it into Set Wallpaper for your Home Screen.
Opens the Portrait camera to the Selfie mode – my preferred way to take selfies, but one I forget to use (until now).
Opens the “New and Popular” page of the Netflix website, showing sections like “New on Netflix,” “Worth the Wait,” “Coming This Week,” “Coming Next Week,” and Top 10 TV Shows and Movies in your country.
Opens the iCloud Drive section of the Settings app on iOS and iPadOS.
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