Toggle Wake On Wrist Raise
Switches the current Apple Watch setting for whether to wake the screen as your raise your wrist.
Starts the Remote Screen feature of Apple Watch that lets you control the device using your iPhone. Only available on select newer models.
Switches the current Apple Watch setting for whether to wake the screen as your raise your wrist.
Pings your iPhone using your Apple Watch, including an optional lights on or off.
Switches the Theater Mode setting on your Apple Watch to enable or disable all alerts, touches, and wake-on-raise-wrist.
Switches the Apple Watch setting to Auto-launch Audio Apps to the Now Playing screen.
Switches the Apple Watch always-on display on or off depending on your last setting.
Starts playing your personalized Apple Music radio station, sets a timer for 10 minutes, and turns on the water lock with your Apple Watch face of choice.
Creates a daily schedule in the Numbers app using a template.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for EDC’s series of live sets from over the years.
Opens a custom “Groceries” smart list in the Reminders app where you can add food items and have them automatically sorted into sections by aisle.
Multi-tool for converting from miles to kilometers (and back).
Opens the site for Regal Cinemas’ Monday Mystery Movies, where they show an upcoming film without releasing which movie it is ahead of time.
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