Change Playback Destination
Sets playback destination to a device.
The device to set playback destination to.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor cycling workou using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Starts an outdoor walk, turns on Low Power Mode, and logs the UV index.
Starts a cooldown workout, plus sets AirPods Pro to Noise Cancellation.
Sends a randomized template message to your partner or housemate that you’re leaving for a short walk, then runs the “Start an outdoor walk” action.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts a tennis workout using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor run using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Opens your personal feed on Clips saved from YouTube videos. Use this feature to capture important ideas and give them custom titles, and have a feed of personalized clips to view again later.
Creates a blank document in the horizontal orientation, for printing in landscape.
Opens the “See More” link in the New Releases section of your Comixology home on the Amazon website where you can see comics curated for you that are top sellers.
Opens Disney+ to the Series page where you can see their TV shows.
Scrapes a Threads post and formats it for a Craft document, using the rich embed as the URL reference.
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