New in the Shortcuts Library: Keynote shortcuts
If you’re a fan of Apple’s presentation tool, these shortcuts are for you – create from themes, open presentations in Rehearse and Show Mode, and create presentations from your own custom theme.
If you’re a fan of Apple’s presentation tool, these shortcuts are for you – create from themes, open presentations in Rehearse and Show Mode, and create presentations from your own custom theme.
New in iOS 17 is the “Open Camera” action, which lets users select a specific camera mode to open each time – here’s my set of shortcuts for each option available.
Threads by Instagram just released, and that means I’m building shortcuts – there’s much to work off, even right at the start.
My collection of shortcuts for One Thing for Mac, a Menu Bar applet that lets you display any text — automate your music, tasks, and current status.
Check out my collection of Mastodon shortcuts for interacting with your favorite instances. Be sure to get my Mastocuts bundle shortcut as well.
Check out my collection of Christmas shortcuts, including automations for playing holiday music to smart home setups, checking for snow to counting the days down.
The new Apple Watch Ultra can set any shortcut to run from the Action button — and that means any app that works with Shortcuts has a new physical button.
It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ve completely revamped my Shortcuts Library portion of my Shortcuts Catalog, remaking what was previously hundreds of shortcuts into
On this episode of Smart Tech Today, Mikah and I talked about: LIFX Z LED Strip | Amazon Farrago | Rogue Amoeba How to use