Announcing the simplified Shortcuts Library

It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ve completely revamped my Shortcuts Library portion of my Shortcuts Catalog, remaking what was previously hundreds of shortcuts into a condensed set of:

I spent many hours combining each of my 100 or so Shortcuts folders and putting each shortcut inside a single shortcut for that folder, filled with menus of different actions to take – this is the same content as before, repackaged to be much more accessible.

Now you can browse through the collection on a single page – just pick a shortcut that sounds interesting to you based on my descriptions, add it, and run it to further explore what functionality it provides.

Some are also designed to work from the Share sheet before passing the inputted content through to the menu – combining everything netted even more functionality like this.

Plus, make sure to check out the Action Directory portion with all 300+ actions from the Shortcuts app – members get even more data about each action and what functionality it can provide when signed into the site.

Make sure to also sign up for my weekly newsletter to keep up-to-date with any new free and members-only shortcuts as they’re added to the collection (as well as regular Shortcuts news).

Plus, subscribe to my YouTube channel – I’m restarting regular Shortcuts video production process again with this launch.

Check out the new Shortcuts Catalog and sign up for a membership to unlock all 50 shortcuts (plus more each month).

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