Potential Prompt actions

Get Images from Input
Gets images from the result of the previous action. For example, this action can get the album art of a song, or all the images on a web page.
Set Name
Sets the name of the item passed as input.
Counts the number of items, characters, words, sentences, or lines passed as input. Note (from Apple, for real) This is just like the Count in Sesame Street, but instead of a vampire, it’s a Shortcuts action.
Get Type
Returns the type of every item passed as input. For example, if a URL is passed, this action will return “URL”.
Get Details of iTunes Product
Extracts information from an iTunes product, including artist, price, currency code formatted price, release date, genre, duration, whether it’s streamable, whether it’s explicit, the description, the store ID, the story URL, the artwork, the artwork URL, and the name. Works for music, movies, podcasts, music videos, audiobooks, short films, TV shows, and iBooks (you may have to guess which named field is right depending on the type).
Get Details of iTunes Artist
Extracts information about the creator of an iTunes product, including the genre, type, store ID, store URL, artwork, artwork URL, and name.
Search iTunes Store
Searches the iTunes Store, returning the items that match the specified search terms. You can get more details about the results using the Get Details of iTunes Product action.
Open a presentation
Open a presentation.
Get Item from List
Returns one or more items from the list passed as input. You can get the first item, the last item, a random item, the item at a particular index, or items in a range of indexes.
Allows you to specify a list of items to be passed to the next action.
Filter Locations
Given a list of locations, this action returns the locations that match the given criteria. Allows for sorting, changing the order, and limiting the number passed as a result.
Get Details of Locations
Allows you to extract information from a location passed as input, including the latitude, longitude, altitude, street, city, state, ZIP code, country, phone number, URL, and name of a location.
Get Email Addresses from Input
Returns any email addresses found in the output from the previous action.