Roundup of App Intents developer sessions from WWDC’24

Check out links to every session relevant to App Intents available at WWDC for 2024.

If you’re a developer looking to update your App Intents implementation for iOS 18, use this page as a resource for links to all the relevant videos, sessions, documentation, and forums you might need to access from Apple.



Apple has released 4 new sessions that focus specific on the App Intents experience:

App Intents are also relevant in these sessions:


Once you’ve watched the sessions, here is the main App Intents documentation and the new domains page relevant for Apple Intelligence:

Within the App Intents documentation, these new pages are important to reference as well:


Apple has also put significant work into its developer forums in recent years and revamped the entire experience – here’s the tag for App Intents (among many others):

If you’re a developer or company looking for direct help with your App Intents implementation, send me an email – I’m now available for App Intents and Shortcuts consulting.

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