Creates a project for a Folder in Shortcuts, then adds each shortcut as a to-do with a link to open the shortcut.
Creates a detailed project with headings, tasks, and tags for everything.
Generate deep links into the Things app by typing in a list of tasks or projects or areas.
Asks you to pick an area, then project from that area, then opens it in Things.
Asks you to choose a Reminders list, then reminders from that list, then exports them into Things and deletes the originals.
Picks a random Area, then a Project, then opens it in Things.
Opens Things for Mac on the current device or remotely via SSH from other devices.
Opens into the Health app to the Clinical Notes section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Opens the Wallet app to the Apple Cash “card” where you can see your balance send or request money, or see past transactions.
Sets AirDrop receiving to Everyone so you can send or recieve content.
Gets your Parked Car location and shows it in a preview.
Prompts you to enter a query, then opens to search results for your input text in the Journal app.
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