Get Clipboard
Passes the contents of the clipboard to the next action.
Asks you to enter a name on import, then looks for a note with the name and “wishlist” and creates one if not found – then, adds any links from the Share sheet or asks you to enter in a new item, then appends it to the list automatically.
Opens the “Notes” folder, which contains notes not yet sorted into folders.
Switches notifications for @-mentions in the Notes app on or off.
Creates a note for the current calendar week. Also checks if one exists before creating it, to avoid duplicates.
Gets text from the Share sheet or clipboard and returns the total word count.
Presents a menu of my work-related folders and opens the corresponding choice.
Pings your iPhone using your Apple Watch, including an optional lights on or off.
Shows your feed of follows, favorites, and boosted posts on Mastodon.
Review the current status of your recent Apple Store order. This shortcut works with the Apple Store app to see where your latest order is at — order placed, shipping, out for delivery, etc.
Takes a pre-defined list of items inputted in the Text action, splits it by new lines, and adds each to one Things list (a project or Area) along with the same checklist for each task.
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