Takes the current location of the device, extracts the altitude, then displays it in a result or speaks it when run from Siri.
Get the latitude and longitude of your current location or a location shared as input.
Takes a location shared as input, or if none, the current location, and opens the webpage in a popover so you can see the WalkScore of the neighborhood. Shows how easy it is to walk around, the access to transit, and how bicycle-friendly the roads are.
Gets your current location, gets the Maps URL, and starts a message to send it to someone.
Gets your current location and logs the date, latitude, and longitude into the same note in Notes over time.
Gets your current location and sends it to your Family group in Contacts using Messages.
Picks a random Area, then a Project, then opens it in Things.
Gets a folder of audio files, lets you choose one, and encodes the result to base64 (to be placed into another shortcut and decoded to play the sound).
Uses AppleScript to trigger the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Entry feature of Things on the Mac.
Starts two pre-set timers at once, each for different lengths. This version is a pomodoro timer, set to go off at 20 minutes for a break and again 5 minutes after to get back to work.
Opens transit directions from your current location to your home address.
Takes a location shared as input, or if none, the current location, and opens the webpage in a popover so you can see the WalkScore of the neighborhood. Shows how easy it is to walk around, the access to transit, and how bicycle-friendly the roads are.
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