Show LaunchPad
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Uses AppleScript to press the keyboard shortcut ⌥+⇧+⌘+Q to immediately log out the current user.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Uses an AppleScript command to directly activate Control Center on the Mac.
Simulates the key code for F3, activating Mission Control on the Mac.
Opens my email app of choice Gmail so I can immediately see relevant emails, then quickly filter out anything I don’t care about.
Opens the site for Regal Cinemas’ Monday Mystery Movies, where they show an upcoming film without releasing which movie it is ahead of time.
Opens the app Wordy for Apple TV that displays the time in an abstract text style, like “Quarter to twelve” rather than actual numbers.
Adds the entirety of your iCloud Drive folder offline by getting its contents.
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