Asks you to pick from tasks assigned to Today and opens any URLs in the Notes.
Asks you to pick an area, then a project, then marks it as done.
Generate a widget chart based on your completed vs total tasks for the day.
Picks a random Area, then a Project, then opens it in Things.
Asks you to pick an area, then project from that area, then opens it in Things.
Takes an item ID and adds it to the Things deep link back to that item.
Records normal-quality audio—starting and stopping on tap—then adds to a folder; if no folder exists, creates one.
For a given YouTube Channel ID, creates a RSS feed link for that channel.
Asks you to enter text, then wraps it with a blank paragraph graph on either side.
Opens a specified Pages document of your choice. Works well for your current in-progress doc.
Starts the Remote Screen feature of Apple Watch that lets you control the device using your iPhone. Only available on select newer models.
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