Access the top-level Personal folder in Notes.
Searches for a note called “Links of the Week” and appends the shortcut input or clipboard text to the end in the Notes app.
Opens to your alternate Notes account synced from a different email address.
Creates a note for the current calendar week. Also checks if one exists before creating it, to avoid duplicates.
Takes the clipboard and appends to it to the most-recently modified note, before opening it in Notes.
Opens the “Notes” folder, which contains notes not yet sorted into folders.
Opens a custom “Templates” folder in Notes where I keep notes I want to duplicate.
Opens to your alternate Notes account synced from a different email address.
Presents a list of categories from Apple’s developer pages, then reformats the option of your choosing into the URL for that category and opens it.
Gets all the current alarms and turns them off, then shows an alert or Siri speaks back a confirmation.
Pulls 25 items from the MacStories main RSS feeds and asks you to choose which to open in Safari.
Takes PNGs from input, resizes them to 2048px wide, appends a number for each image found, and asks you where to save it in Files.
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