Add shortcuts folder to Things
Creates a project for a Folder in Shortcuts, then adds each shortcut as a to-do with a link to open the shortcut.
Opens Things for Mac on the current device or remotely via SSH from other devices.
Creates a project for a Folder in Shortcuts, then adds each shortcut as a to-do with a link to open the shortcut.
Asks you to pick an area, then project from that area, then opens it in Things.
Creates a detailed project with headings, tasks, and tags for everything.
Takes an item ID and adds it to the Things deep link back to that item.
Generate deep links into the Things app by typing in a list of tasks or projects or areas.
Sets up dual monitors side-by-side, plus asks for an additional screen on the right and on the bottom for a Mac Mini or MacBook or iPad combo.
Opens the Adobe Lightroom app for Apple TV, then shows the remote so you can select an album to view.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Opens the “Edit Profiles” page which lets you select between your profiles and change the details.
Seeks backward for 30 seconds on the specified Apple TV, turns on captions, then waits 30 seconds and turns them off again.
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