Asks you to pick from tasks assigned to Today and opens any URLs in the Notes.
Asks you to choose a Reminders list, then reminders from that list, then exports them into Things and deletes the originals.
Generate a widget chart based on your completed vs total tasks for the day.
Generate deep links into the Things app by typing in a list of tasks or projects or areas.
Creates a detailed project with headings, tasks, and tags for everything.
Opens Things for Mac on the current device or remotely via SSH from other devices.
Gets text from the Share sheet or clipboard and returns the total word count.
Asks you to select a single contact, then starts a Check In with that person.
Takes a location shared as input, or if none, the current location, and opens the webpage in a popover so you can see the WalkScore of the neighborhood. Shows how easy it is to walk around, the access to transit, and how bicycle-friendly the roads are.
Shazams a song, saves it to a playlist, and shows a notification with the synced lyric snippet.
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