Stop shortcut
Stops execution of the current shortcut and dismisses the shortcut on screen. No more actions will be run after this action.
Gets the sound library from macOS, picks a random file, and plays it out loud.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the iPhone boot chime, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Gets the base64-encoded text of the Apple start up song from their keynote, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the Shame sound from Game of Thrones, decodes it, and plays it twice at 75% volume with a short break in between.
Gets base64-encoded text for the Apple Pay ping sound, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the Charlie Brown sad walking music, decodes it, and plays it out loud.
Gets the deep link into the filesystem for the Announce Message tone and plays it out loud.
Plays the preselect Replay 2015 playlist on Shuffle. Top tracks include Dreams, Let It Happen, and Eventually…
Takes encoded audio and decodes it into a sound, then plays it. Uses embedded audio or newly-encoded audio copied to the clipboard.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Stores multiple List titles and IDs that you can pick from to open into Ivory.
Opens the deep link into the TV app to The Office episodes. If you’re watching the series, prompts you to resume the latest or next episode.
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