Opens to the “All Videos” page on the Apple Developer website so you browse the entire scope of what’s offered.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press the Command + or keyboard command that adds a session to your bookmarks (or removes it).
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 3 to open to the Downloads page, where you can find videos you’ve saved offline.
Asks you to enter a search query, then URL encodes the result, and opens the results on the web.
Presents a list of categories from Apple’s developer pages, then reformats the option of your choosing into the URL for that category and opens it.
For a given list of Apple Developer session URLs, this will iterate through each, grabbing the name of the webpage, cleaning it up, and reformatting it into a Markdown list before copying that to your clipboard.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 4 to open to the Continue Watching page, where you can resume sessions you’ve already started.
Opens the Camera preview to let you take 3 photos, then sitches them into an animated GIF.
Opens the Google app and activates Voice Search, letting you use Google dictation in place of Apple’s before performing a Google Search.
Utilizes the Transistor API to get your user data and extracts the ID.
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