Arc Search Lets You “Call” For Answers (And Comes With Action Button Shortcuts)

The Browser Company has added a new "Call" feature to their Arc Search for iPhone, plus Shortcuts support so you can trigger it with the Action button.

Today, the Browser Company launched an update to their Arc browser for iOS that adds a new “Call” feature, as well as Apple Shortcuts support in the form of three App Shortcuts designed for the iPhone action button.

Arc’s new “Call” feature is a clever mobile interaction for the act of look something up online using AI, but framed as calling Arc, asking your question, getting waiting music while it finds the answer, and getting a response back – it’s like dialing a phone directory, but for the entire internet.

Plus, you can just raise the device to your ear to activate the voice mode – such a good idea.


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For its Shortcuts support, Arc has added three App Shortcuts for Call, Search, and Voice Search that let users ask Siri, search in Spotlight, assign as their action button, or run via Shortcuts in the multitude of ways available – a great way to build new browsing habits with Arc.

I’ve had a somewhat lukewarm reaction to the Browser Company so far – we seem to agree that computing is fundamentally changing, but I’m not fully sold that one better browser fixes all the things. But I can’t lie, adding Shortcuts support is a good way to get me to actually try it out, and this new Call feature is also drawing me in – I am very glad people are thinking uniquely in this space, especially with the Action button as a new interface for any app, and raise-to-speak as a UI paradigm.

Get Arc Search for iPhone on the App Store and Arc for desktop on the web.

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