Exploring Conferences: Preparing for WWDC 2024! »

Rudrank Riyam has a great post summarizing his experience and goals for WWDC – reading this is getting me excited!

From Rudrank Riyam:

This week will be my third time landing at the San Francisco International Airport to be around San Jose and meet developers from around the world.

I went to WWDC back in 2019 as a scholar and attended community events last year because I did not get the golden ticket.

However, this time, I got one to attend WWDC 2024!

I love impromptu planning, but, I still want to have an idea of how to make the best out of this US trip. After a lot of thinking, it turns out this is what makes me happy:

  • Hang out with old friends I made last year!
  • Enjoy with friends from X (formerly Twitter) whom I am excited to meet this year IRL, and
  • Meet new people!

Great post – this is definitely why I go to WWDC every year.

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