Opens the app Fin for Apple TV, which lets you select timers and display them in a huge format.
Opens the app Lumy for Apple TV, which lets you see relevant times for sunrise and sunset so you can know when to take the best photos.
Opens the PCalc app for Apple TV and shows the remote so you can perform calculations on the big screen.
Opens the SpeedTest app for Apple TV which lets you check your internet’s upload and download speeds.
Opens the RadarScope app for Apple TV that lets you see large weather maps and see conditions in your area.
Opens the tvClock app for Apple TV that shows the time in a large flip-style format.
Opens the YouTube app on a selected Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can select a video.
Connects to AirPods Pro using the AirBuddy app for Mac. Also checks if a connection can be made and alerting you if the device isn’t found.
Shows your feed of follows, favorites, and boosted posts on Mastodon.
Opens the “Notes” folder, which contains notes not yet sorted into folders.
Takes the default embed code for the most “most recent podcast” player, inserts your podcast code, and copies it to your clipboard to be pasted somewhere online
Sets a reminder 7 hours from now letting me know once my rechargable batteries are finished.
Asks you to enter a query, then reformats it for Fandango’s search results and opens the URL into the app or website.
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