Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Asks you to enter the name of a shortcut, then finds and runs that shortcut. Also uses scripting to check if more than one exists with that name and asks which to run.
Use this shortcut once you have a few Share Sheet shortcuts and want to organize them accordingly.
You can also drag shortcuts into and out of this folder to add or remove them from the set, which works well with multi-select and drag and d
Using a text field populated from “List Folder names,” lets you select multiple folders, grabs the shortcut names from all of the folders, and lets you copy out the titles.
Opens a Shortcuts folder of your choosing; accepts the name of a folder as input as well.
Asks you to pick from all your Shortcuts folders, then a shortcut from that folder, then opens the shortcut.
Use this shortcut to sort the list of shortcuts that appear in the Menu Bar on macOS.
Asks you to pick a folder, then a shortcut, then runs it right away.
Asks for input, extracts the archive, and asks you where to save the new files.
Asks for a search query on IOS; on macOS, uses AppleScript to press keyboard command to open Mailbox Search.
Gets your Parked Car location and shows it in a preview.
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