Asks you to pick an area, then project from that area, then opens it in Things.
Generate a widget chart based on your completed vs total tasks for the day.
Opens Things for Mac on the current device or remotely via SSH from other devices.
Creates a detailed project with headings, tasks, and tags for everything.
Asks you to choose a Reminders list, then reminders from that list, then exports them into Things and deletes the originals.
Takes an item ID and adds it to the Things deep link back to that item.
Use this shortcut to sort the list of shortcuts that appear in the Menu Bar on macOS.
Asks you to select a folder, enter a client name, then adds subfolders of your choosing.
Opens System Information or Settings > General > About to show detailed information about the current device.
Starts the screen saver on your Mac. Choose from the Landscape, Cityscape, Underwater, Earth, or other options in System Settings and trigger it using this.
Asks you to enter a timestamp, then calculates the total seconds and skips forward that far.
Opens the Google app and starts listening for a dictated search query.
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