New for members: Things beta shortcuts

Hey members, I've just published 11 new shortcuts from today's stream featuring the new actions from the Things beta.

Hey members, I’ve just published 11 new shortcuts from today’s stream featuring the new actions from the Things beta!

I am super excited about this initial set of shortcuts and the updated actions that Things is bringing to their app soon — I’ve been looking forward to this level of support for many years.

Make sure to tune into future streams or catch the replay to learn about these actions and how you can use them yourself! Plus, I’ll be covering it here on the blog when the release goes live.

View the Things beta folder in the Shortcuts Library. or check out the shortcuts below. If you’re not a member yet, learn more here.

Featured Shortcuts

Open Things areas
Lets you pick from all your Areas and opens it in Things.
Open Things project
Asks you to pick an area, then project from that area, then opens it in Things.
Open random Things project
Picks a random Area, then a Project, then opens it in Things.
Open Things research links
Choose from URLs in the Research area to open.
Open links from Today
Asks you to pick from tasks assigned to Today and opens any URLs in the Notes.
Things project template
Creates a detailed project with headings, tasks, and tags for everything.
Add shortcuts folder to Things
Creates a project for a Folder in Shortcuts, then adds each shortcut as a to-do with a link to open the shortcut.
Create Things Show URL from ID
Takes an item ID and adds it to the Things deep link back to that item.
Things Quick Entry Research
Saves the current link using a pop-up for Things.
Mark project as complete
Asks you to pick an area, then a project, then marks it as done.
Task Countdown Chart
Generate a widget chart based on your completed vs total tasks for the day.