Welcome to Issue 63 of “What’s New in Shortcuts” – and Happy New Year!
I’m back after a few weeks off and I hope everyone else had a chance to rest up as much as possible. I know I had plenty of time to actually _not _think about Shortcuts for a change… but of course spent a few days on it just for fun ?.
I’ve also officially ended the run for Smart Tech Today, the smart home podcast I was part of, and am continuing to gear up my biweekly iMore column on Shortcuts, all in an attempt to align all of my weekly work more with my own business. So now that change and this new Sunday newsletter schedule are opening up more space for pure Shortcuts goodness going forward – I’ll have more to report there soon.
Plus, I’m attempting to identify and report every issue in Shortcuts that I can (and I’d love your help). I’m determined to get long-standing problems and issues like my sync bugs fixed – I don’t want to re-sort my folders ever again (like I did yet another time over the break ?).
That being said, I’m full of fresh ideas for Shortcuts, my next release is almost fully operational, and I’m super inspired by the folks in this week’s newsletter – I have a feeling 2022 will be a great year for Shortcuts, so let’s dig in: