News Shortcuts

What’s new in Shortcuts in iOS and iPadOS 17.2, macOS 14.2, and watchOS 10.2 »

From Apple’s support doc titled “What’s new in Shortcuts for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, macOS 14, and watchOS 10”:

New in iOS and iPadOS 17.2, macOS 14.2, and watchOS 10.2

This update adds enhanced VoiceOver support in the Shortcuts library and improved app performance.

Updated Actions

  • Choose from Menu and Choose from List now prevent your device from sleeping when run from the Action button and awaiting a response
  • Combine Images now correctly aligns images when output on macOS
  • Split Screen Apps now correctly handles ratios on iPadOS

I’m marking these as closed 😎:

  • FB13202947 (Action button falls asleep while running; Shortcuts menus/lists don’t register as Lock Screen taps)
  • FB12510235 (Combine Image places photos in wrong place)
  • FB13204850 (Split Screen Apps has incorrect sizes; places windows opposite where described)

Another issue not mentioned, but fixed – changing folders on iPad: FB9365048 (Pressing Control + Tab is broken; redirects to Search field).

Also from Colin Hughes on Twitter:

I called for Apple to allow users to ask Siri for blood oxygen levels back in April 2022. Delighted to see the company has listened and this, and other health features, will be accessible via Siri commands in iOS 17.2 set to be released this week. So inclusive and accessible

View the full set of release notes from iOS 17 and see Colin’s quote tweet.

Siri Shortcuts

Shortcuts annual memberships are 20% off for Cyber Monday

Hello everyone and happy Cyber Monday!

For today only, I’m offering a 20% off discount for annual memberships, lowering the total cost to $40 (as opposed to $60 if you pay in the $15 quarterly increments) – use code “cybermonday2023” at checkout to apply the discount.

This discount is available now for new & expired memberships, plus anyone who wants to upgrade from their quarterly plan (or the archived monthly plan) – the coupon will expire Cyber Monday at midnight (based on your timezone).

Plus, while I haven’t publicly announced the latest update, there are now over 1,400 shortcuts available for members – with more added every week.

Further, you’ll have access to the bi-monthly members-only podcast (new episode coming soon), the members-only section of my Discord community, the occasional members-only post, and the archive of livestreams I’ve hosted on YouTube – read about the membership program here.

Also, I’ll be increasing the price of the membership at some point next year, so now’s a great time to lock into the regular annual membership price (the discount is good for one year).

As always, thank you so much for your continued support – this membership program is the core of my business and lets me explore the world of Shortcuts without traditional barriers, and each member’s contribution makes this possible.

Wishing you the best this holiday season,

Siri Shortcuts

iOS 17 Tip: Speed up Haptic Touch

Aday on on the new “Fast” option for Haptic Touch:

By far my favorite #iOS17 feature.

Apple describes changing the Haptic Touch duration as letting you “[a]djust the time it takes to reveal content previews, actions, and contextual menus.”

Find the option in Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Haptic Touch – or use my Open Touch Preferences shortcut in the Accessibility folder.

View the post.

News Siri Shortcuts

30 Shortcuts Ideas for the Action Button on Your iPhone 15 Pro

This weekend, the customizable Action button on the iPhone 15 Pro has driven Apple fans to the web to share their best Shortcuts ideas, from more advanced workflows to some that are perhaps more juvenile. Regardless, if you’ve got an iPhone 15 Pro, you’re probably looking for shortcuts to use with it.

To help folks with their decision, I asked across Threads, Twitter, and Mastodon for everyone’s best ideas, promising to collect them in a post – this is that post!

Check out the list of 30+ ideas below – plus, stay tuned for my extra-special Action button idea coming very soon (and subscribe to my newsletter to get that delivered straight to your inbox).


  • Google Assistant (via Mithun Patel / MKHBD):

    As @mkbhd suggested – Google Assistant

  • Shazam (via Dan Stransky):


    [My reply: There are cool Shazam actions in Shortcuts, so you could have it jump straight to a music video for the current song!]

  • Action Jackson (via John Gruber):

    Since publishing my review, I’ve tweaked my Action button shortcut to work this way:
    — If the device orientation is face down or portrait upside-down, toggle Silent mode. (And when turning Silent mode from off to on, vibrate the phone.)
    — Otherwise launch Camera.
    Screenshot of the main shortcut, and the helper that toggles Silent mode with vibration for turning it on:

  • Add new item in Things (via Parker Ortolani):

    Currently have it set to create a new item in Things !


    Post by @parkerortolani
    View on Threads


  • Add new item in Fantastical (via Hobie Henning):

    Oh neat!!!! I would have that mapped to Fantastical 👀 Damn it, now I’m wanting to upgrade

  • Time-sensitive/location-sensitive (via Ben P):

    Occurs to me it might be good to have a time-sensitive or location-sensitive Shortcut

    Show my train times in the morning, launch my todo list at work, launch my Journal app at home in the evening

  • At home conditions (via Gabriel Sharp):

    If connected to home WiFi:
    & Before noon
    → open bedroom blinds
    Else if after noon
    → open TV remote

    Else if not connected to WiFi:
    If Shopping focus mode (Location based)
    → open Shopping list
    → Open Camera

  • Drafts (via Ben Pickering):

    Launch Drafts

  • Check for Focus Mode (via Eric Hamilton):

    I made a shortcut that checks the current focus mode and adapts the action to the current focus (Sleep – Flashlight, Travel – Flighty, Work – Add Reminder, etc.)

  • Ask ChatGPT (via Kevin Ridsdale):

    ChatGPT with my api key to use v4. Never use Siri for questions again.…

  • Keep in touch (via Michael Fisher):

    One-touch FaceTime call to my long-distance gf!
    (Scrub to 1:08)…

  • FaceTime your partner (via Michael Ferrari):

    The “girlfriend button”. Hit it and it FaceTimes your partner

  • Quick Note (via Parker Ortolani):

    Action button as a note taking shortcut is dope


    Post by @parkerortolani
    View on Threads



  • Open Current Book (via Adrian Eves):

    I’m probably going to have it open the Books app much like the action button on the watch is mapped to the workout app

  • Choose From Menu (via Stephen Robles):

    I’ll be running this Shortcut with the Action Button! Most of the time I’m not in a focus mode, so it will display a menu of options.

    When in a Focus Mode, it defaults to opening the camera. May try to change based on specific Focus Mode later.

  • Ask ChatGPT for action button ideas (via Ben Lovejoy):

    Trigger it to ask ChatGPT to create a list of the best Action Button shortcut ideas

  • Lock/unlock your car (via Kevin):

    Lock/Unlock Tesla

  • Open Halide/ @HalideCamera (via Kris Lord):


  • Change Text Size (via Daniel Kašaj):

    Gave “Change Text Size” a go for a bit. Went back to Camera. Analysis paralysis!

  • Where we droppin’ (via SENTINELITE / yours truly):

    Dude I just realized we have a “Where we droppin?” button for the iPhone now lol

  • Tweet button (via Ian Zelbo):

    But does your phone have a tweet button?

  • Nothing (via Gregory McFadden):

    Setting my action button to nothing.

  • Screenshot and crop (via Tom Bielecki):

    This will be my iPhone action button:

    Screenshot -> Manual Crop (Toolbox Pro) -> Extract text -> New Draft (Drafts)

    Gives me full control of selection area and post-processing steps for on-screen text content regardless of what app I’m in

  • Open the front door (via Mark’s Tech):

    Okay this is actually super sweet … [Video: Using the iPhone 15 Pro “Action Button” as a key to my front door] 

  • Shazam to music service (via Marco Dengel):

    Mine is starting Shazam → detecting the current song (while watching the fantastic new animation in iOS 17) → search and open it in the music app of your choice*.(* Shazam, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Amazon Music, YouTube, YouTube Music or Deezer)

  • Speak Screen (via Sasha G):

    To display the “speak screen” control panel.I want there to be a widget for this.

  • Credit card rewards (via Emmanuel Crouvisier):

    Start a shopping live activity, head out for your errands, and your Lock Screen will update automatically with which card to use.


  • Opening the garage door (via Devin Davies):

    Opening the garage door with the action button feels like a super power. [Video]

  • Fart sound (via Rafa / Kyle):

    This is it, the best use case for the Action Button (sound on) [Video]

  • Drum break (via Rafa):

    You can even press it with your phone still in your pocket. Your dad jokes will never be the same “badum tss” [Video]

  • Laugh track (via Rafa):

    Oooh that’s clever! [Video]

  • Rick Roll (via Jeff Kelley):

    Made a shortcut that opens the Never Gonna Give You Up music video

  • Read Later & Watch Later (via iBanks):

    Save web articles and YouTube videos for later

  • Purchase later (via iBanks):

    List of items to purchase later with running total of overall costs of all items in the list

  • ShortShot (via iBanks):

    Move screenshots of your favorite apps into its own album based off that apps name

  • myApps (via iBanks):

    Dynamic app launcher that displays your apps as one single list or you can select a app from a list of app categories

  • Focused Apps (via iBanks):

    Dynamic app launcher stemmed from my myApps – A Dynamic App Launcher but allows you to select from a specified list of apps based on the current focus mode your device is in

  • Massive 30-shortcut conditional (via Jimmy Little):

    I have a Shortcut that I’ve been running for years. First as an icon, then as Triple-Back-Tap, and now I’ll move it to the Action Button.

    It’s a bunch of Choose-From-Menus that launch other shortcuts. I can’t include it here, because it’s really about 30 Shortcuts. But here’s how it works:

    First, is an IF block. If I’m on my watch, it shows one menu. If I’m on my phone, another (much larger) menu. From there, it’s a LOT… But It so nice.

If you want more Shortcuts ideas, check out my expansive Shortcuts Library – and sign up for my Shortcuts newsletter if you haven’t already.


New in the Shortcuts Library: Keynote shortcuts

I’ve just added a new folder to the Shortcuts Library — my set of Keynote shortcuts:

  • Open Keynote: Opens the Keynote desktop app on Mac and the mobile app from iPhone/iPad.
  • Open my presentation: Opens a pre-selected Keynote presentation. I use this with any current presentation that I may be working on.
  • Open password-protected presentation: Asks you to enter the password for a locked presentation, then passes it to the file as it opens it in Keynote.
  • Open from Keynote docs: Gets the contents of the Keynote folder in iCloud, asks you to pick from a presentation, and opens it in Keynote.
  • Start presentation: Asks you to pick from your Keynote folder in iCloud Drive and opens the presentation in Show Mode.
  • Rehearse presentation: Presents your presentations in Keynote, asks you to pick one, and opens it in Rehearsal Mode.
  • Create custom presentation: Creates a presentation from your “My Themes” section, which appears when you use Edit > Save Theme in Keynote.
  • Create Basic presentation: Presents a menu of Basic themes from Keynote to create – choose from Basic White, Basic Black, Classic White, White, and Black.
  • Create Dynamic presentation: Pick from Apple’s cool movement-based Dynamic presentations in Keynote – including Light, Dark, and Rainbow options.
  • Create Minimal presentation: Asks you to choose between Miniminal themes in Keynote – pick from Basic Color, Color Gradient Light, Color Gradient, Gradient, Showroom, Modern Portfolio, Slate, and Photo Essay.
  • Create Bold presentation: Presents a list of Bold presentation themes available in Keynote – choose from Bold Color, Showcase, Briefing, Academy, Modern Type, and Exhibit
  • Create Editorial themes: Presents a menu of Editorial themes in Keynote – pick from Feature Story, Look Book, Classic, Editorial, and Cream Paper.
  • Create Portfolio presentation: Presents a menu of Portfolio-style presentations to create in Keynote – choose from Industrial, Blueprint, Graph Paper, Chalkboard, Photo Portfolio, and Leather Book.
  • Create Craft presentation: Pick from Craft presentation themes in Keynote – options are Artisan, Improv, Drafting, Kyoto, Brushed Canvas, or Craft styles.
  • Create Textured presentation: Asks you to pick from various Keynote themes in the Textured category – choose between Parchment, Renaissance, Moroccan, Hard Cover, Linen Book, Vintage, Typeset, Harmony, and Formal.

Check out the folder of Keynote shortcuts on the Shortcuts Library.



Updated in the Shortcuts Library: Apple Music shortcuts

I’ve just updated a folder in the Shortcuts Library — my set of Apple Music shortcuts:

  • Play my radio station: Plays the personalized radio station curated for you by Apple Music.
  • Play Discovery station: Plays Apple Music’s newest “Discovery” station that plays curated tracks from outside your library or playlists.
  • Play Apple Music 1: Plays the main curated radio station for Apple Music, previously known as Beats 1.
  • Play Apple Music Hits: Opens the Apple Music Hits radio station that plays top tracks from the service (as opposed to the main Apple Music 1 channel).
  • Open Mood playlists: Opens the curated pages of playlists for various Moods included in Apple Music.
  • Open Genre pages: Opens deep link into the genre pages in Apple Music.
  • Open Apple Music artists: Presents a list of Apple Music 1 radio shows and opens the corresponding URL to their curator page.
  • Open Apple Music TV: Opens the deep link into Apple Music TV, immediately starting the currently-playing music videos.
  • Open Apple Music Essentials: Opens the Apple Music curator page for Essentials playlists of the top tracks from popular artists – great for playing across an artist’s discography instead of picking an album.
  • Open Apple Music News: Opens the News app to the special Apple Music curator page.
  • Play my Favorites mix: Plays the automatic Favorites Mix curated by Apple Music for you, updated Mondays.
  • Play my Get Up mix: Kick off some energetic tracks from your Get Up Mix in Apple Music, with new tracks added every Tuesday.
  • Play my Friends mix: Starts the “Friends Mix” playlist from Apple Music’s Made For You feature – playlist is updated every Friday.
  • Play my New Music mix: Plays tracks from the New Music Mix updated every Friday in Apple Music.
  • Play my Chill Mix: Plays the Chill Mix that’s “Made For You” by Apple Music. Updated every Sunday, this one is good for unwinding in the evening or relaxing on the weekends.
  • Share my Apple Music profile: Shares the link to your Apple Music profile found in the Music app.
  • Open EDC live sets: Opens the editor page in Apple Music for EDC’s series of live sets from over the years.
  • Open Soulection Radio: Opens the editor page in Apple Music for Soulection radio, a laid-back show that airs on Sunday nights.
  • Open the Boiler Room: Opens the editor page in Apple Music for the Boiler Room, a series of shows for underground dance music with a webcam showing the set.
  • Explore Apple Music hosts: Presents a playlist of Apple Music host pages and opens the deep link into that section of the Music app.

Check out the folder of Apple Music shortcuts on the Shortcuts Library.


Apps Shortcuts

Customize Threads With These 8 Alternate Home Screen Icons

If you’re one of the 100 million people who got on Threads since launch, you might want to customize your Threads experience on your iPhone and iPad using Shortcuts’ “Add to Home Screen” feature.

I’ve found eight alternate icons you might want to use (so far), plus I’ll share how to set up the icons using Shortcuts and Add to Home Screen:


Updated in the Shortcuts Library: Threads shortcuts

Check out my updated folder in the Shortcuts Library — my set of Threads shortcuts.

I’ve updated my scraping tool, figured out how to make post embeds, and built out a set of shortcuts to send Threads to various apps based on feedback from the community:

  • Scrape Threads post: Accepts a Thread link as input, extracts the username and excerpt, and formats it with multiple link types into a JSON dictionary shared as output.
  • Quote Thread: Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, then formats it as a quote from the author and links back to the post/profile. Works well as a function for saving Thread posts quickly.
  • OCR Thread: Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, then opens the link, waits for it to load, takes a screenshot, extracts text from the screenshot, then prompts you to delete the extra text before replacing the excerpt in the Thread JSON dictionary.
  • Copy Threads post embed: Scrapes a Threads post, gets the embed code using the URL and username, and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Capture Thread as link post: Accepts a Thread link, scrapes it, then OCRs the text, asks for a title, and created a linked post in Ulysses.
  • Capture Thread to Reminders: Scrapes a Threads post, then formats the excerpt and links in the notes as well as the URL in a new reminder.
  • Capture Thread to Things: Scrapes a Threads post, then adds it to Things with links in the notes and a “Research” tag.
  • Capture Thread to Craft: Scrapes a Threads post and formats it for a Craft document, using the rich embed as the URL reference.
  • Capture Thread to Bear: Scrapes a Threads post, formats the title, except, and link, and opens Bear to add it as a note.w
  • Capture Thread as note: Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, and formats it quickly for Notes.
  • Post Thread to Mastodon: Scrapes a Threads post, fulls out the excerpt and URL, asks you to add commentary, then posts it using the Mastodon app.
  • Capture Thread as Markdown file: Asks you to OCR a post, add a title, forms the excerpt as a Markdown file, then asks you where to save it.
  • Show Threads link: Opens a Threads URL in the app on iOS, on the web on Mac, and in a preview on iPad.

Check out the folder of Threads shortcuts on the Shortcuts Library.

Apps Shortcuts

How To Directly Access Threads Profiles Using Shortcuts

In Federico Viticci’s post on Threader, a shortcut to open Threads profiles from Mastodon and Twitter directly in the Threads app, he mentioned in a footnote that Threads’ URL scheme uses the unique pattern barcelona:// – which immediately got my attention.

In the post, his excellent shortcut uses OCR to look at the device’s screen and extract the username, before passing that into barcelona://user?username={Username}.

In my attempts to recreate my Twitter follow graph on Threads, I used Viticci’s shortcut to capture as many links to Threads profiles that I come across – many, many people were posting theirs on launch day, so I ran his shortcut a lot initially.

However, lots of people were (and still are) simply mentioning their profile or posting screenshots of the handle, like my friend Crim – so, I wanted to make another Shortcuts solution that let me type out any username and redirect into their profile.

My “Open username in Threads” shortcut will prompt you to enter in a username, then fills out a URL like barcelona://user?username=MatthewCassinelli – then, the Open URLs action activates the deep link and redirects you into the profile inside the Threads app, so you can follow the person.

Going further with the URL scheme, Viticci also followed up on Threads with yet another discovery – using barcelona://user redirects the app to account tab, making it easy to check your profile from Shortcuts – so I made that into a shortcut too.

Get these in my Threads folder of shortcuts – and make sure to check out my story on how to make Threads work well on iPad with Stage Manager.


New in the Shortcuts Library: Camera app shortcuts

I’ve just added a new folder to the Shortcuts Library — my set of Camera app shortcuts – built off the Open Camera action new in iOS 17 developer beta 4 which lets users select a specific camera mode to open each time.

Use these with Siri, the Shortcuts widget, Spotlight, or the app to quickly access the mode you need – they work particularly well in new Lock Screen widget too:

  • Open Photo Mode: Opens the default Photo mode in the Camera app.
  • Open Selfie Mode: Opens the front-facing Selfie mode in the Camera app.
  • Open Portrait Mode: Opens Portrait mode in the Camera app. If Preserve Settings is used, the Portrait Zoom level stays between shots instead of being reset to default.
  • Open Portrait Selfie Mode: Opens the Portrait camera to the Selfie mode – my preferred way to take selfies, but one I forget to use (until now)
  • Open Video Mode: Opens the Camera app to the Video mode. If Preserve Settings is enabled, opens to your last-specific settings.
  • Open Cinematic Mode: Opens Cinematic mode in the Camera app – set in 4K at 24 fps.
  • Open Time-Lapse Mode: Opens the Time-Lapse mode in the Camera app.
  • Open Pano Mode: Opens the Pano mode in the Camera app – use this for shooting panoramas that you can view later on the Apple Vision Pro.
  • Open Slo-Mo Mode: Opens the Slo-Mo mode in the Camera app – mine is set to 1080p 240 fps.

Check out the folder of Camera app shortcuts in the Shortcuts Library.

Apps Shortcuts

Use This Sample Discord Shortcut To Get Started Building Your Own Bot »

From @whatqm:

Just made a discord bot using Apple Shortcuts lol

While searching Twitter for Shortcuts keywords, I came across this video that demonstrates using Shortcuts to post to a Discord channel as a bot – I’ve been wanting to build my own shortcut to do the same, so I added the sample shortcut linked in the reply and will be testing it out in my own Discord community.

View the full video from the tweet.


My Shortcuts for Apple’s Software Update & Public Beta program

Apple has released their public beta of iOS 17, iPadOS 17, macOS Sonoma, and watchOS 10 today, making their Beta Software Program available to freely download and install – at your own discretion, as this is pre-release software where you may experience bugs.

As part of the beta experience, you will find yourself updating your devices often—especially if you have multiple devices on the betas—plus you’ll want to see what’s new in each update, check on what’s upcoming in the OS overall, and see the release notes once the full updates are published.

Since I’m all aboard the beta train—and a Shortcuts power user—I built out a set of shortcuts to make each of these jobs-to-be-done a little bit easier:

Updating each release

For a few years now, I’ve used a two-step shortcut to quickly access the Software Update page in the Settings app on iOS and iPadOS. In my shortcut, there is a deep link defined from Apple’s URL scheme for Settings that opens to prefs:root=General&path=SOFTWARE_UPDATE_LINK.

Recently, I updated the shortcut to work on macOS as well, opening the Preference Pane file that macOS has long been used to redirect the previously-named System Preferences app to each panel – even now, with the newly-named System Settings app, these files still work.

Checking beta fixes

After installing each update—or perhaps before—it’s useful to check on the release notes for each platform to understand ahead of time any bugs or issues you might run into.

Apple has dedicated pages for each platform, so I combined them all into a Menu shortcut that uses Choose From Menu, the corresponding URL for each page, and Open URLs to quickly access your platform of choice.

Refreshing your memory

As the beta periods continue, one can also find themselves forgetting exactly what’s new – you’ll often get very used to new features quickly, and after a few rounds of updates it can be helpful to look back over the updates.

On the sign-up page for the Beta Software Program, Apple has included links out to their various OS pages, each with sections dedicated to the upcoming releases – my Learn about Apple betas shortcut opens directly to this page so you can quickly access those links. Plus, the shortcut doubles as a way to sign up for the public beta program, if you haven’t signed up yet.

Get the official release notes

Finally, for the detail-oriented group, it can be helpful to actually read the full release notes for Apple’s updates once they’re released in full after the beta periods end – Apple will often detail minor features, bug fixes, or otherwise unmentioned changes to their apps.

For Shortcuts in particular, the release notes pages provide valuable line-by-line changes to the app that are otherwise undetectable, and serve as a marker for when bug fixes are officially implemented (and can be referred to if things go awry later-on).

I have covered the release notes for the Shortcuts app since they’ve been published, using the same search on to check for the latest update (and previous updates) – my shortcut lets you check for yourself as well.

Betas 4 lyfe… or not

Overall, beta life has both its ups and downs – it’s fun to test Apple software ahead of time, but you’ll certainly experience bugs, worse battery life, and what feels like endless software updates.

I find these shortcuts most helpful when run from the Shortcuts widget – I keep one instance of the Medium widget in the sidebar off to the left of my main Home Screen. That way, every other Tuesday when new betas are out, I can easily access the folder and update my devices. Plus, the Software Update shortcut works well in the Menu Bar on Mac as well.

Get the folder of Software Update shortcuts in my Shortcuts Library.


New in the Shortcuts Library: Threads shortcuts

I’ve just added a new folder to the Shortcuts Library — my set of Threads shortcuts:

  • Open Threads: Opens the Threads app from Instagram/Meta. If run from iPad, activates Stage Manager so the app works as a standalone window; on iPhone, use with a custom icon and Add to Home Screen.
  • Share my Threads profile: Takes your pre-inputted Threads URL and copies it, then shows the Share Sheet.
  • Show my Profile in Threads: Switches the Threads app to your own profile. Useful for checking your follower count.
  • Cross-post to Ivory and Threads: Prompts you to enter in a message, then copies the text, posts it to Mastodon via Ivory, then opens Threads so you can paste the message.
  • Cross-post to Twitter and Threads: Prompts you to enter in a message, then copies the text, posts it to Twitter, then opens Threads so you can paste the message.
  • Open username in Threads: Prompts for a username (or accepts one as input) and opens the redirect into the Threads app.
  • Scrape Threads post: Accepts a Thread link as input, extracts the username and excerpt, and formats it with multiple link types into a JSON dictionary shared as output.
  • Quote Thread: Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, then formats it as a quote from the author and links back to the post/profile. Works well as a function for saving Thread posts quickly.
  • OCR Thread: Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, then opens the link, waits for it to load, takes a screenshot, extracts text from the screenshot, then prompts you to delete the extra text before replacing the excerpt in the Thread JSON dictionary.

Check out the folder of Threads shortcuts on the Shortcuts Library.

Siri Shortcuts

How to make Threads work well on iPad (hint: Stage Manager)

If you’re trying out the new Threads app from Instagram (you can follow me here if you’re on it), you might be wondering if you can use the app on the iPad.

By default, the experience isn’t great – Apple has a compatibility mode that allows you to install iPhone apps on iPad, so it technically works…

Thankfully, compared to the old mode that was entirely locked in portrait orientation (as if an iPad docked on a Magic Keyboard was an iPhone laying on its side), this compatibility mode at least lets you use Threads in a small vertical window, albeit surrounded in a large black box. However, we can do better than that.

With the introduction of Stage Manager, Apple has enabled these iPhone-style apps that are otherwise locked in a portrait orientation to instead float alongside your other iPad apps, letting you place them in whatever arrangement you so desire.

Here’s how to set it all up – and a series of shortcuts to make the experience even smoother:


Shortcuts For My Top 10 Shows on Apple TV+

I just finished rewatching Foundation this week ahead of its second season coming soon, and in the process found myself wanting a shortcut back to the show.

While the TV app donates actions to “Resume” any show you’re currently watching, I wanted to find a permanent way to open into any show from the set of Apple TV+ Originals.

Thankfully, in the TV app, there’s a Share sheet option that allowed me to use Copy Link and pull out URLs for each show.

I went through my favorite 10 shows that Apple has made so far and made shortcuts for the whole set (ordered by primary color, not rank):

View the folder of Apple TV Original shortcuts.


Take Control Of The TV App With These 10 Shortcuts

I don’t know what compels me to do this sometimes, but one weekend in May I felt the need to create shortcuts to access all the tabs I could in the TV app for iPhone and iPad.

Generally, I really like having deep access into various parts of my apps – if I already know where I want to go, why navigate around manually when I can just use a shortcut?

Plus, I usually just want to get to my Up Next queue, but sometimes I’m browsing for movies and TV shows, or otherwise I’m often going into my Library to watch a movie I own – so I set out to make my own TV App shortcuts.

Automations Shortcuts

How To Play A Headphones-Only Alarm On iPhone

@Esther on Mastodon:

Finally figured out how to play an alarm only through headphones on an #iPhone and NOT through speakers (for example when sleeping on a train and you don’t want to miss your stop but also not annoy others):

Open #iOS #Shortcuts, create an automation with a timer and have it play a music track that’ll wake you up. Turn off “ask before running” and “notify when run”.

Connect your headphones, set a good volume, and have a nap.

(Just don’t forget to disable it or else it’ll go off the next day too)

This is a great idea – to add onto it, you could also use the Alarm automation, set it to an “Existing” alarm, then choose one of your own Alarms and set the Sound to “None.”

That way, you can still snooze, toggle the alarm on/off regularly as needed, and avoid needing to disable the Automation each time – it’ll play Music from your Personal Automation instead of any alarm tone, headphones or not.

Otherwise, you could normally just have picked a Song in the Alarm menu – but this Automation also lets you choose playlists, radio stations, podcasts, or anything else you can think of!

View the original post on Mastodon.

Apps Links Shortcuts

Zenitizer, a clean and simple meditation timer »

@Zenitizer on Mastodon:

Dear Fediverse 👋 Zenitizer launched on the App Store today 🚀🥳

🧘 Clean & Simple Meditation Timer
🎵 Soothing Sounds
❤️ Apple Health Support
🪄 Siri & Shortcuts Support
⭐️ Goals and Streaks
👀 Glanceable Widgets and Apple Watch Complications

1️⃣ Download:

Congrats to developer Manuel Kehl on his launch last Thursday. 👏

Get Zenitizer on the App Store.

How To Shortcuts

How to quickly link all your YouTube chapter markers using Shortcuts

Earlier this week, I was putting together my “offsite” blog post for the YouTube stream I recorded while editing in Final Cut Pro for iPad and wanted to make a linked list of all the chapter markers that I added to the livestream.

Each chapter on YouTube must be formatted as a timecode, but making YouTube links to specific timestamps requires a “total seconds” value at the end of the URL, like &t=3600 – something I wasn’t about to do manually for all 90 chapters.

In order to convert everything to the right format quickly and generate URLs to each chapter, I built two shortcuts:

Apps Links Shortcuts

Shortcut to redirect YouTube links into the iOS app »

Stephen Robles of AppleInsider shared a shortcut for redirecting YouTube links into the app:

The shortcut works by replacing the https with youtube – using Stephen’s own YouTube channel URL as an example, it’d appear like youtube://

Time to add this to my YouTube collection 🙂

Get the Watch In YouTube shortcut from Stephen’s tweet.