
Rogue Amoeba shares test releases for macOS 14 »

From Rogue Amoeba on Mastodon:

Testing MacOS 14? We’ve got test releases:




SoundSource users, click here:…

I’m super glad to have access on the betas to SoundSource for manual control over volume from my audio interface, and Loopback for combining audio feeds while streaming – and I’ve been meaning to use Audio Hijack for my member podcast as well.

View the original post on Mastodon and read the main support article for details.


Apps How To Links

How to change back to the old Twitter app icon on iOS »

From TechCrunch:

As our Twitter apps are updating to now be called “X,” you might long for the old blue bird logo. It harkens back to a similar time, when Twitter certainly had its issues, but at least it was not owned by Elon Musk. Thanks to the shortcuts app on iOS, we can kid ourselves into believing that Twitter is still being run by a different short-sighted billionaire, rather than this even shorter-sighted one. Lucky us!

Here’s how you can change your X icon back to Twitter again:

As I joked on Twi…er, X… “Who’d have thought the world’s primary use case for Shortcuts would be app icon replacement”?

Read the full article (h/t 9to5Mac and iMore).

P.S. I just so happened to publish a guide on this method a few days ago.


Instapaper Adds App Shortcuts and New Actions

From the Instapaper blog:

Improved Siri, Search, and Shortcuts Integrations

We’ve launched a number of “intents” that improve Instapaper’s integration with Siri, Search, and Shortcuts.

For instance, you can open your most recent article by saying “Hey Siri, Open Last Article in Instapaper”. You can open a folder by saying “Her Siri, Open Folder in Instapaper”, and then saying the folder name when prompted.

For a full list of actions available, open the Shortcuts app, go to the App Shortcuts section, and tap Instapaper.

Instapaper is one of the first apps I’ve seen to implement their App Intents setup the way I figured Apple intended – make both App Shortcuts and corresponding actions, not one or the other.

Some improvements though – generate the options for “Open Folder” based on what’s in the user’s library, including a Folder option in Add Link, add more clarity around the use case for Open Article, and update the older Get Bookmarks action to work with App Intents & use the predicate filtering capabilities.

Read the full article.

Apps Shortcuts

Customize Threads With These 8 Alternate Home Screen Icons

If you’re one of the 100 million people who got on Threads since launch, you might want to customize your Threads experience on your iPhone and iPad using Shortcuts’ “Add to Home Screen” feature.

I’ve found eight alternate icons you might want to use (so far), plus I’ll share how to set up the icons using Shortcuts and Add to Home Screen:

Apps Shortcuts

How To Directly Access Threads Profiles Using Shortcuts

In Federico Viticci’s post on Threader, a shortcut to open Threads profiles from Mastodon and Twitter directly in the Threads app, he mentioned in a footnote that Threads’ URL scheme uses the unique pattern barcelona:// – which immediately got my attention.

In the post, his excellent shortcut uses OCR to look at the device’s screen and extract the username, before passing that into barcelona://user?username={Username}.

In my attempts to recreate my Twitter follow graph on Threads, I used Viticci’s shortcut to capture as many links to Threads profiles that I come across – many, many people were posting theirs on launch day, so I ran his shortcut a lot initially.

However, lots of people were (and still are) simply mentioning their profile or posting screenshots of the handle, like my friend Crim – so, I wanted to make another Shortcuts solution that let me type out any username and redirect into their profile.

My “Open username in Threads” shortcut will prompt you to enter in a username, then fills out a URL like barcelona://user?username=MatthewCassinelli – then, the Open URLs action activates the deep link and redirects you into the profile inside the Threads app, so you can follow the person.

Going further with the URL scheme, Viticci also followed up on Threads with yet another discovery – using barcelona://user redirects the app to account tab, making it easy to check your profile from Shortcuts – so I made that into a shortcut too.

Get these in my Threads folder of shortcuts – and make sure to check out my story on how to make Threads work well on iPad with Stage Manager.

Apps Shortcuts

Use This Sample Discord Shortcut To Get Started Building Your Own Bot »

From @whatqm:

Just made a discord bot using Apple Shortcuts lol

While searching Twitter for Shortcuts keywords, I came across this video that demonstrates using Shortcuts to post to a Discord channel as a bot – I’ve been wanting to build my own shortcut to do the same, so I added the sample shortcut linked in the reply and will be testing it out in my own Discord community.

View the full video from the tweet.

Apps Tips & Tricks

Tip: Long-Press to Skip The Custom Share Sheet on Threads (and Twitter Too) »

From @mosseri on Threads:

Hidden 💎 if you long press the share button on a thread it’ll pull up the OS share sheet instead of the Threads one in case you want to get there quicker.

If you’re trying to use the Share Sheet to capture Threads posts, you’ll find yourself clicking the Share icon, then “Share via…” every time – instead, you can long-press on the icon and the native Share Sheet will pop up again with your shortcuts ready to go.

Fun fact: I helped get this same functionality implemented in the Twitter app back in 2020 after mentioning how important it is for Shortcuts users – shoutout to fellow Shortcuts creator Robert Peterson for emphasizing my point in the, ahem, “thread.”

View the post on Threads.

Apps Links

Test This iOS 17 Soundboard App With Interactive Widgets »

From @leomehlig:

iOS 17 only alert ⚠️‼️🔊

Using the new interactive widgets, I’ve built a soundboard app, which you can use right from your lock and Home Screen (turn on sound to hear them).

Early beta is already on TestFlight:

Back in June, I saw this tweet from Leo Mehlig, developer of Structured, teasing a new soundboard app he’s working on that uses the new interactive widget capabilities – in theory, this could even work from an iPhone on StandBy… 😋

View the demo video in the tweet or join the TestFlight.


View Your Order History, Shopping Cart, and Amazon Categories With These Shortcuts

A few months ago, I did my usual thing of making a full set of shortcuts to completely “automate” access to a website of choice – this time, with

Available now in my Shortcuts Library, my folder of Amazon shortcuts contains deep links to all the sections of Amazon’s website that I felt were useful enough as shortcuts – 24 distinct pages found within their navigation menu.1


Bear 2 launches with new Export Note and Backup actions for Shortcuts on Mac

Bear 2, the minimalist note-taking app from developers Shiny Frog, has launched today after years in development – and with it, a handful of nice-to-have actions in Shortcuts to Export Notes and Backup (for macOS users only).

The Export Note action in particular is notable because it allows users to make a shortcut that, given a note from a previous action like “Search Notes,” can export the note into the following formats:


How To Get A Seamless Photo Carousel On Threads Using The Series App

Majd Taby, founder of photo-editing app Darkroom, shared an excellent photoset on Threads today of his visit to the Grand Canyon – in the image carousel, each shot is perfectly split, letting you swipe between photos without any break, creating a seamless split across the whole set.

In his caption, Majd mentions @seriesphotosapp, the account for Series, an app for customizable layouts from the developer Recentralized.

Series, which works on iOS and iPadOS, looks to be similar to many collage-style apps that have existed over the years for formatting photosets into nice-looking collages.

However, as demonstrated in their demo video on Threads, the app can be used to split photos perfectly – here’s how:

Apps Links

Detail: A Modern, Machine Learning-Powered Approach to Video »

John Voorhees for MacStories (line breaks added for emphasis):

The sources above are the component parts of what Detail calls Scenes, which can use one or more sources to create a single-view Scene or a Combo Scene that comes in five different layouts.

That allows you to mix and match camera sources with screen-sharing sources and even other scenes into one composite video.

The result is a flexible system that can be easily adapted for video interviews, tutorials and help documentation, video conferencing apps like Zoom, and more.

Moreover, you can set up multiple scenes in advance and switch among them using keyboard shortcuts or Apple’s Shortcuts app.

I’ve had my eye on Detail for Mac for some time, and their latest Detail Duo for iPhone/iPad is intriguing too. Over on Mastodon, John and I had this back-and-forth about the update:

Apps Links

Portal’s Mac app helps users focus with immersive backgrounds and audio »

Ivan Mehta writing for TechCrunch:

Productivity-enhancing app Portal has launched a Mac app. The company helps users regain focus and become more productive with immersive backgrounds and natural sounds.[…] Portal for Mac has more than 80 environments to choose from, which include high-quality looping videos captured by the company’s own team.

Further on:

Users can control the sound and motion or change the background through the menu bar icon too. Given that Portal is a native Mac app, it integrates with Siri Shortcuts as well.

I’m a huge fan of apps like Endel for its generative audio soundscapes – Portal looks like an interesting visual version of the same concept.

View the full story on TechCrunch.

Apps Links

Track time in the Dynamic Island with Timery’s updated Shortcuts actions

@Timery on Mastodon:

Timery 1.5.3 is available! This update has four new Shortcuts actions and several small improvements & fixes!

What’s new in Shortcuts:
• Start Recent Timer
• Find Recent Timers
• Export Saved Report
• Start Live Activity

What else is new:
• Improvements to reordering saved timers
• Easier-to-tap time-adjustment buttons
• More project colors for paid Toggl accounts
• Fix for exporting reports on Mac
• VoiceOver improvements

Here are some more details […]:

Developer Joe Hribar of Timery has revamped some of the Shortcuts actions for his app to activate the Live Activities feature, which begins a timer in the Dynamic Island if you have an iPhone 14 Pro – neat. 🤓

Check out the thread for more on the update and get Timery on the App Store.

Apps Games

No Man’s Sky for Mac now available; no iPad yet

@NoMansSky/Sean Murray on Twitter this morning:

No Man’s Sky Mac 🍎

🫂Cross Play
🪄Cross Save
🤘Metal 3
👟High Performance
👨‍💻Apple Silicon and Intel
🦄MetalFX Temporal & Spatial Upscaling
🛝Optimised Loading
🕹️Full Controller Support
🫀7 years of updates

Free to millions of existing Steam Players\_Mans\_Sky/

From Apple’s press release last year:

The power of Apple silicon enables every new Mac to run AAA games with ease, including upcoming titles such as EA’s GRID Legends and Capcom’s Resident Evil Village.
And since Apple silicon also powers iPad, game developers can bring their AAA games to even more users, like No Man’s Sky from Hello Games, which is coming to both Mac and iPad later this year.

After being delayed, the Mac version of No Man’s Sky from developer Hello Games launched today.

Despite only having played a bit on Xbox, I’m looking forward to diving in with cross-play support once it rolls out to iPad (and any other platforms) – this is one of the first AAA games for Apple devices that I care about and seems a perfect launch title for a top-tier gaming experience outside the confines of my console setup.

Get No Man’s Sky on Steam ($59.99 new, free if already purchased on Steam for another platform).1

  1. The lack of a Mac App Store release is interesting, especially given the relationship with Apple.

    No Man’s Sky has also been tweeting some very telling teasers ahead of WWDC, which I am having fun theorizing about on Mastodon

Apps Links

Elsewhen: Time zones, translated »

Zach Knox, replying to my post about Discord timestamps:

I would also highly recommend Elsewhen, which has a shortcuts action to do exactly that… (though of course learning how those timestamps work is still quite valuable!)

Zach is totally right, I’d forgotten about Elsewhen for Mac, iPad, and iPhone – a handy utility from developer Benjamin Cardy that shows a visual representation of the Discord timestamp formats.

Plus, Elsewhen includes another great feature for actually laying out alternate timezones for specific countries, for making announcement posts like I do with my streams:

Apps Links Shortcuts

Zenitizer, a clean and simple meditation timer »

@Zenitizer on Mastodon:

Dear Fediverse 👋 Zenitizer launched on the App Store today 🚀🥳

🧘 Clean & Simple Meditation Timer
🎵 Soothing Sounds
❤️ Apple Health Support
🪄 Siri & Shortcuts Support
⭐️ Goals and Streaks
👀 Glanceable Widgets and Apple Watch Complications

1️⃣ Download:

Congrats to developer Manuel Kehl on his launch last Thursday. 👏

Get Zenitizer on the App Store.

Apps Links Shortcuts

Shortcut to redirect YouTube links into the iOS app »

Stephen Robles of AppleInsider shared a shortcut for redirecting YouTube links into the app:

The shortcut works by replacing the https with youtube – using Stephen’s own YouTube channel URL as an example, it’d appear like youtube://

Time to add this to my YouTube collection 🙂

Get the Watch In YouTube shortcut from Stephen’s tweet.

Apps Shortcuts

Making a simple Menu Bar applet to replace Shortcuts’ progress meter

Yesterday on Six Colors, Jason Snell wrote a post called Create visual feedback for running Shortcuts about a method he’s using to check his progress in a long-running shortcut using a Menu Bar utility.

His post was born out of frustration with the Shortcuts menu bar applet, which we discussed on Mastodon as being somewhat unobvious as a signal for progression:

Earlier today, I was complaining to Shortcuts expert Matthew Cassinelli about how there’s no really good way to view progress of a running Shortcut on macOS. Yes, the Shortcuts menu item in the menu bar sort of tries to display progress, but… it doesn’t provide any information I find particularly valuable.

I’m frustrated because I do have some Shortcuts that take time to run, yet unless I have them beep or display a notification when they reach a certain point in the process, I have no idea what they’re doing or if they’re even working.

If you didn’t know, the Shortcuts menu bar icon changes while a shortcut is running to indicate progression.

Apps News

Apple adds Shortcuts for Mac support to Pages, Numbers, Keynote

Today, Apple released updates to their iWork suite of apps that adds actions in Shortcuts for Pages, Numbers, and Keynote on macOS, bringing powerful first-party actions that Mac users can take advantage to automate their work:

New First-Party Actions

Across all three iWork apps, there are now actions for “Open” and “Create” – plus Numbers has added “Add Row to Top or Bottom of Table” and Keynote has added “Open in Rehearsal Mode” and “Open in Show Mode.”

The Create actions all also include the templates/themes available in the iWork apps, which makes it quick to generate 40+ samples from Pages, Numbers, and Keynote each for a total of over 120+ templates.

Here’s the full list of actions: